Trademark Search

Are you ready to take your brand to the next level? Do you want to protect your brand name and logo from being copied by others?

What is Trademark Search?

A trademark search is a process used to determine the availability and registrability of a particular trademark before filing an application with a trademark office. It involves conducting a comprehensive search to identify existing trademarks that are similar or identical to the proposed trademark. The purpose of a trademark search is to assess the likelihood of confusion with existing trademarks, which could result in potential legal disputes or refusal of registration by the trademark office. A tm search can help you identify trademarks that are already being used on the market and find out more about them.

Trademark registration is a legal process that grants you exclusive rights to use your brand name and logo in the Indian market. It also helps you to build trust and credibility with your customers and partners. But before you apply for trademark registration, you need to make sure that your brand name and logo are not already registered or used by someone else in India.

That's why you need to do a trademark search first. A trademark search is a way of checking the availability of your brand name and logo in the Indian Trademark Registry database. It helps you to avoid any potential conflicts or infringement issues with existing trademarks.

You can do a trademark search online using our websites for absolutely free, or you can request our experts to do it for you. A trademark search will save you time, money, and hassle in the long run. So don't wait any longer - start your trademark search today and secure your brand identity in India!

Are you looking for a way to protect your brand name in India?


  • Q1. What is a trademark search?

    A trademark search is a process of searching the Indian Trademark Registry database to determine whether a proposed trademark is available for use in connection with certain goods or services.

  • Q2. Why should I conduct a trademark search?

    Conducting a trademark search before finalizing a brand name can save you time and money in the long run by identifying any similar or identical existing trademarks that may conflict with your proposed trademark.

  • Q3. How do I conduct a trademark search in India?

    You can conduct a trademark search in India by accessing the Indian Trademark Registry database and searching for similar or identical trademarks in the relevant class of goods or services.

  • Q4. Can I conduct a trademark search on my own?

    Yes, you can conduct a trademark search on your own by accessing the Indian Trademark Registry database. However, it is advisable to seek professional assistance to ensure that your search is comprehensive and accurate.

  • Q5. What is the NICE Classification?

    The NICE Classification is an international classification of goods and services for the purpose of trademark registration. It consists of 45 classes, with classes 1-34 covering goods and classes 35-45 covering services.

  • Q6. How do I choose the correct class for my trademark?

    To choose the correct class for your trademark, you need to identify the goods or services that your trademark will be used in connection with and select the appropriate class from the NICE Classification.

  • Q7. Can I search for trademarks in multiple classes at once?

    No, you can only perform a search using a single class at a time in the Indian Trademark Registry database. However, you can search a trademark in multiple classes using our platform. 

  • Q8. What are the different types of searches I can perform?

     You can perform a wordmark search using any prefix method such as “Starts With”, “Contains” or “Match With”. A search with a keyword in “Starts With” option will show all trademarks starting with the searched keyword.

  • Q9. Can I search for phonetically similar trademarks?

    Yes, you can search for phonetically similar trademarks by using appropriate keywords and prefix methods.

  • Q10. How accurate is a trademark search?

    The accuracy of a trademark search depends on several factors such as the comprehensiveness of the search and the skill of the person conducting it. It is advisable to seek professional assistance to ensure that your search is comprehensive and accurate.

  • Q11. Can I rely on the results of a trademark search?

     While a trademark search can provide valuable information about existing trademarks that may conflict with your proposed trademark, it is not a guarantee that your trademark will be registered. The final decision on whether to register your trademark will be made by the Trade Marks Registrar.

  • Q12. How often should I conduct a trademark search?

     It is advisable to conduct a trademark search before finalizing a brand name and before filing an application for registration. You may also want to conduct periodic searches to monitor for any new conflicting trademarks.

  • Q13. Can I use a third-party service to conduct a trademark search?

    Yes, you can use a third-party service to conduct a trademark search on your behalf. These services typically have expertise in conducting comprehensive and accurate searches.

  • Q14. Is it mandatory to conduct a trademark search before filing an application for registration?

     No, it is not mandatory to conduct a trademark search before filing an application for registration. However, it is advisable to do so to identify any potential conflicts with existing trademarks and increase your chances of successfully registering your trademark.

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