Trademark Watch

Do you want to protect your brand identity and reputation from potential infringers?
Do you want to stay ahead of the competition and monitor the latest trends in your industry?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need a trademark watch service!

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need a trademark watch service!

A trademark watch service is a professional service that monitors the trademark registers and databases in India for any new applications or registrations that may be similar or identical to your own trademarks. By using a trademark watch service, you can get timely alerts and reports on any potential conflicts or opportunities that may affect your brand.

You can also take swift action to enforce your rights or negotiate with other parties before it's too late. A trademark watch service can save you time, money, and hassle by preventing costly litigation and damage to your brand image.

Don't wait until someone else steals your thunder - get a trademark watch service today!

Question How should I register?

Just add your trademarks to our database. The steps are visible on the Trademark watch page. Alternatively, you can get in touch with our expert who can help in adding your marks to our TMtracker.

Question How does this work?

We will generate a weekly report for you which will show you potential infringers, if any.

Question How much would this cost us?

This weekly service is absolutely free. You will just need to pay an onboarding fee.

Speak to our specialist?

Speak to a our specialist at (+91-9310030515)