Neelam and Nitesh - Founders, The Burger Company

Neelam and Nitesh - Founders, The Burger Company

Neelam and Nitesh 11 Mar 2023

From being corporates to being owners at The Burger Company

 It is often believed and said that mixing of personal and professional life can jeopardize relationships and life partners should never take this route. Well, it turns out that in this story we have two venturesome people, who took the biggest risk of their lives by leaving their corporate jobs together and starting their new venture: The Burger Company. Neelam Singh and Nitesh Dhankar started their company in 2016. As the name suggests, for Neelam and Nitesh the plan was simple and clear, but their ideation and execution is something which majorly contributed to their unique success story.


What started as a venture to provide for corporate catering soon became a full-fledged business for them. Both Neelam and Nitesh were truly clear and focused about what they wanted to offer to their customers. The competitiveness of the industry only ensured that they put forth their A game in the market and which eventually helped The Burger Company in making sure that they leave a mark on the whole industry.


“We take a lot of pride in our burgers as each and every burger has a unique taste, and their names carry a deeper connection” claims Nitesh. One of the fascinating features of their business is the menu containing a list of quirky burgers, each having a distinctive quality associated with a unique name for example, the Cow-boy, the Ruby Red, the Popeye, the Ghost Rider, the Mexican Marvel, among others. They have even introduced burgers with Indianised flavors such as the Makhni Burger, the Tandoori Burger and many more.


Both the founders firmly believe in division of work as Nitesh mentions that “even till today, the ideation work is done by Neelam. The product tasting, designing, creation is all done by Neelam and on the other hand, I handle the supply chain, operations and finances. Their recipe to work and gel well as business partners is the clarity which they both have of each other’s work ethics and their equal division of work”.


When asked about their learnings so far, being the first-generation entrepreneurs, Nitesh added that “They both have learnt some impeccable things, the first being the importance of customer service, we believe that it is imperative to give the customers what they want. Further, one cannot compromise on the product quality no matter what. We also learnt that one cannot ignore the importance of social media and digital marketing, especially in the current times. Finally, since there is so much that you need to process while managing your own venture, it is imperative that a balance is struck between the professional and personal life”.

 While The Burger Company under the leadership of Neelam and Nitesh has already found a footing in the food business, the plan now is to create a legacy. The year ahead looks exciting for both Neelam and Nitesh as their goal is to expand and run fifty stores all over India by the end of this year. 

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